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Sunday, May 22, 2005

More, but Loooong

Well, I have been on this site more often but my posts have been long and political, I guess. Sorry, it's hard for me to write succinctly without practice or editing. There's a LOT going on in my life lately that I haven't posted on this site, like my job ending and an upcoming move to DC, the truly horrible car-crash which changed my life forever (which I won't say more about for legal and moral reasons), the recent death in my family, the cancers of my father and my aunt, how hard it is to leave your friends and family and home city for a new unknown, especially at a time like this....just too much. Too much to do anything but struggle with the abstract, too much to do anything but instruct the Web on the finer points of political matters I know too little about. All I can do is practice writing (and Lord knows I need it). Practice practice practice...and there find relief in the joy of learning a craft.

There are moments in life we never really leave behind us, moments we carry around like pictures in our mental wallets. I always thought all of my mental moments would be happy ones. I was very mistaken. The bright moments now shine against the dark ones like candles, but there are times when they all play again for me, the dark ones and the light ones, all at once. On days like that, days like today, life is a paradox of emotion--a joy that is too much a sadness to face with a full heart. I pull my heart in, I hide it away, and I call my girlfriend too much. But I get through, and I thank God that even on the darkest of days, the good memories never leave me be.